Thirteenth Annual
Boston Symposium on Organic and Bioorganic Chemistry
450 Water Street, Cambridge, MA 02141
The Thirteenth Annual Boston Symposium on Organic and Bioorganic Chemistry, will be held on Thursday, October 10th, 2024, in person at Sanofi. This unique forum brings together Boston-area students and leading academic and industry scientists, and will provide an experience for attendees that includes:
Keynote presentations from industry and academia.
Oral and poster presentations by students and professional scientists from world-class Boston-area academic and industrial institutions.
Networking opportunities for students, faculty, and industry scientists.
Please join us for this excellent opportunity to learn about state-of-the-art research in the fields of organic and bioorganic chemistry and to connect with local peers from industry and academia. For questions about this event, or if your company would like to financially support the BSOBC, click here to email us.

Keynote Speakers
Alison Wendlandt, Associate Professor of Chemistry at MIT
Matthew LaMarche, Head of Integrated Drug Discovery at Sanofi
